Mobile security access tapping at the door


SEC_Ban_400x400Mobile devices are increasingly being integrated in to the workplace environment as businesses recognise the potential to provide more streamlined services to a workforce that is increasingly on the move.

As mobile devices and their associated technologies continue to increase in functionality, storage capacity and general utility there is a global shift towards business processes and systems being adapted to enable workers greater accessibility to corporate data from the palm of their hand, effectively creating a mobile office.

A recent survey of security and IT professionals found that while 95 per cent said that when employees used their own personal devices to work with business information it created security challenges, 72 per cent reported that the number of personal devices connecting to corporate networks had more than doubled in the past two years.

Integration with mobile technology is an attractive way for businesses to optimise operational business outcomes, while simultaneously creating greater workplace flexibility and reducing IT and systems infrastructure costs by allowing individuals to utilize their own mobile devices that interface with business systems.

Integrated mobile security access technology sends individuals an electronic key directly to their personal device through a mobile app. Security access to a door or building is gained by simply holding their personal device over the lock, similar to existing key cards or fobs, connecting with secure online software where access is managed.

Based on either New Field Contact (NFC) or Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technologies, the technology has been successfully implemented across a variety of industries in Europe, from hotels to educational institutions.

This year’s Security Exhibition & Conference will see two integrated mobile security access technologies launched to the Australian market – SALTO’s JustIN and EVVA’s AirKey – offering Australian security and facility managers the opportunity to achieve systems that are highly secure, easier to manage and more affordable to install.

SALTO Systems Australia and New Zealand General Manager Scott Fraser said that integrated mobile security had proven itself overseas as a smart security access solutions, offering many benefits to both end-users and security managers alike:

“Across any industry, the benefits for the end-user of this technology is quite simply the convenience. Having access sent directly to your phone at any time rather than having to have a physical exchange of a key means that people can conduct their business in a more efficient way,” Mr Fraser said.

Geoff Plummer, EVVA AirKey’s Australian distributor agreed, saying that as mobile technology is increasingly used in business networks and systems it makes sense to integrate this technology in to security systems.

“Current security access systems require extensive cabling throughout buildings, from each security access point to a central control centre, and specific software for the system to operate. Depending on the size of the building or facility, material and labour costs of installation of these systems can be huge,” Mr Plummer said.

“Integrating with web-based mobile technology means that businesses can significantly reduce the time and cost of installing systems by removing the need for cabling.

“The reduced cost presents an opportunity for businesses to create greater levels of security as they can afford to have more security access points with a high level of control over accessibility, resulting in greater traceability within an organisation.”

EVVA’s AirKey and SALTO’s JustIN technologies, with other advanced access control systems, will be on display at the annual Security Exhibition and Conference held at Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, from July 15 to July 17, 2015.

To register to attend for free visit
