AIPIO is excited to announce that registrations are now open for AIPIO Intelligence Forum 2017! The Forum will be held at Fraser Suites, Sydney on Thursday, November 9.
The Forum will continue with AIPIO’s theme for 2017 – Breaking Down the Barriers. With plenary sessions and workshops, intelligence professionals will find this to be an excellent opportunity for professional development and networking. We have an engaging range of speakers for the day, including:
- Janna McCann, BizLab, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
- Dr. Stephen McCombie, SecureWorks Inc
- Edward Farrell, Mercury Information Security Services
- Phillip Hoskin, Kordamentha
Registration is $125 for AIPIO members, and $199 for non-members.
For further information, go to: https://www.aipionationalevents.asn.au