ASIS ACT Chapter would like to invite ASIS members, Industry colleagues and Government security practitioners along to our May event.
Guest speaker will be Doug Rutherford, Director, Security & Integrity Reform, Attorney General’s Department.
Doug will be speaking on reforms to the Commonwealth Government’s Protective Security Policy Framework being implemented from July 1st 2018.
Doug’s presentation will be a very informative overview of these reforms, why they are being undertaken and how they will be transitioned in.
This breakfast event is open to all and highly recommended for those working within the Commonwealth
Government, Agency Security Advisers and general Security Practitioners.
Breakfast Event
Open to all who wish to attend
Tuesday 29th May 2018
East Hotel
69 Canberra Ave, Kingston ACT, 2603
7.15am for 7.30am breakfast
8.00am Presentation
9.00am Finish
Street and hotel underground parking
Cost inclusive of breakfast – ASIS ACT Members Free, ASIS Interstate Members $15.00, Non-Members $30.00.
Registration and Payment through Sticky Ticket at the link below.
Non ASIS Members signing up on the morning or within two weeks after the event – your attendance fee will be refunded by ASIS ACT.
For further enquiries please contact Peter Bourke ASIS ACT Chair 0403 646 955 or at