ISACA’s Annual Oceania CACS2016, Gold Coast, Australia, 11-13 September
The latest business technology opportunities and challenges, including cybersecurity and digital disruption, will be addressed at ISACA’s upcoming Oceania Computer, Audit, Control and Security (CACS ) Conference, in the Gold Coast, Australia from 11 – 13 September. The conference will bring together highly respected industry experts from Australia, Europe, and United States, who will present their latest thinking, research and practical experience, along with tips and tools to help IT professionals add value to their enterprises.
This year’s conference, entitled ‘Building Trust and Value in a Digital World’, will explore ways in which organisations can manage risk, increase cyber resiliency, navigate digital disruption and capitalise on consumer trust. The Conference will also delve into why technology decisions and innovation should be addressed at a Board level, how IT professionals can initiate and facilitate conversations around best practice and driving value from IT investments, and provide thought-provoking case studies surrounding information strategies, IT audit and governance.
This year’s speakers include industry experts from leading companies, government agencies and universities, such as EY, Australian Signals Directorate, University of Queensland, US House of Representatives, US Defense Intelligence Agency, KPMG, ANZ Wealth, Bank of Queensland, Australian Federal Police and Atlassian.
Additionally, the CEOs of industry associations Australian Computer Society (ACS), International, Australian Information Security Association (AISA) and Institute of Internal Auditors – Australia (IIA) will join global IT and cybersecurity association ISACA in discussing the strategic directions that professional organisations can take to ensure member value, and how to provide best practice, knowledge and resources to assist professionals in their career as they navigate through the current digital disruptions facing their businesses.
Matt Loeb, CEO of ISACA said: “Oceania CACS2016 will provide delegates with the practical knowledge and expert advice centered around the challenges of digital disruption, including topics in cybersecurity, risk management and IT audit. The conference will also tackle substantive issues such as diversity in the workplace and the cybersecurity skills gap. I look forward to participating in this year’s event, and to engaging in these critical industry discussions with other business technology leaders from Australia and around the world.”
Keynote presentations include:
- David Lewis, Technical Director of Cybersecurity Analysis and Operations, Australian Signals Directorate, will present “Terminating Hackers on the Department of Chickens”. David will share his experience detecting, managing and responding to major computer network intrusions, the decision making that goes on behind the scenes, the intelligence agencies’ roles in cybersecurity, and the techniques to help terminate intrusions.
- The Honorable Theresa Grafenstine, Inspector-General, US House of Representatives and ISACA Vice Chair, will present ‘A Call to Arms: Audit’s Role in the (Ongoing?) Cyber War.’ She will provide an overview of classic breach tactics, describing what good security and controls look like, and discuss how the US House of Representative Office of Inspector General has taken a proactive role in helping the House to address cyber threats.
- Matt Loeb, Chief Executive Officer at ISACA, will present on ‘Navigating the Choppy Seas of Digital Disruption’. He will speaking on the implications and impact of digital disruption on our professional lives, exploring the ways in which we should be responding, and how to realise the opportunities to enhance the value of what we contribute to organisations in the face of a rapidly changing technology landscape.
- Andrew Johnson, Chief Executive, Australian Computer Society, will speak on the cybersecurity skills crisis and the burning platform for change. Johnson will elaborate on the key trends pushing these changes and how we should build the skill base to ensure we take advantage of the opportunities afforded by the digital age.
Conference highlights include:
- 36 presenters in three separate streams focusing on Governance, Assurance and Cybersecurity.
- Connecting Women Leaders in Technology breakfast, featuring a panel of 3 speakers, facilitated by ISACA’s International Board Director Jo Stewart-Rattray.
- Delegates from government, academia and corporate organisations across Australia, Europe and United States, providing a range of opportunities to discuss current challenges and network with industry professionals
- Pre-conference networking dinner
- Post-conference workshops that allow attendees to dive deeper into key focus areas and topics
Hosted by the Papua New Guinea Chapter of ISACA, a global association serving 140,000 information systems professionals in 180 countries, Oceania CACS2016 is the region’s leading annual conference and must-attend event for IT audit, control, security and governance professionals. This year the conference is at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, from the 11-13th September, 2016
For more information on the Oceania CACS2016 conference, including registration details, please visit: http://www.oceaniacacs2016.org
For more information about ISACA, please visit www.isaca.org.
ISACA (isaca.org) helps global professionals lead, adapt and assure trust in an evolving digital world by offering innovative and world-class knowledge, standards, networking, credentialing and career development. Established in 1969, ISACA is a global nonprofit association of 140,000 professionals in 180 countries. ISACA also offers the Cybersecurity Nexus (CSX), a holistic cybersecurity resource, and COBIT, a business framework to govern enterprise technology.
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