Design of Israel’s National Cyber Strategy


Published with permission of BESA Center

Bar-Ilan University’s Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies has released a discussion paper on Israel’s National Cyber Strategy.

Written by Colonel (res) Shay Shabtai, the paper raises critical issues for discussion regarding the design of Israel’s national cyber strategy. It deals with the promotion of national cyber security, the improvement of national resilience, and the private sector’s ability to cope with major attacks that have security, economic and social impact.

The paper concentrates on what the author considers to be the key issues. It neither pretends nor aims to encompass all the elements involved in formulating a national cyber security strategy. Rather, it is designed to point out the complexity of the issues concerned and create a basis for deepening discussions about them. The paper does not contain decisive or unequivocal recommendations. Nor does it deal with the offensive component, which is a fundamental component of an overall national cyber strategy.

You can read the full paper here.
