Anti-Terrorist Vehicle Barrier HydraWedg SM50 Premieres to High Praise at ASIS 2015
HySecurity’s HydraWedge SM50 and StrongArm M30 made a huge splash among the 30,000 ASIS security show attendees at the Anaheim Convention Center in September. “ASIS is a very important place for HySecurity to show its latest high security products,” says VP of Sales Pete Hakio. There were few moments when our sales and engineering staff were not demonstrating HydraWedge and StrongArm M30 for government, military or industrial security professionals. ASIS is always an important HySecurity show, but this year we hit a home run exhibiting two unique and impressive crash vehicle barriers”
Emergency Fast Operate Deters Perimeter Breach
Operating HydraWedge at super-fast, one-second EFO speed turned heads. The highly engineered wedge design combined with HySecurity’s renowned and ultra-reliable hydraulics and advanced digital controls wowed audiences. “We kept hearing comments like, ‘Incredible,’ and ‘finally someone did it right,’” says Nick Valdez, HySecurity specification engineer. HydraWedge SM50 appealed to C-level security attendees due to its 12-inch shallow mount, compact hydraulics, and intelligent controls. They claimed disappointment with existing crash wedges that are overbuilt, deep mount, unreliable and require high maintenance.
“HydraWedge transports HySecurity into the mainstream vehicle barrier market,” says HySecurity VP of Marketing, Richard Woltjer, “and it brings with it, HySecurity’s reputation for highest reliability and functionality. HydraSupply XL and HySecurity’s common platform Smart Touch™ Controller come with an unequalled five-year warranty, assuring end users of the highest reliability crash wedges in the industry.”
“We don’t introduce new products before their time,” says HySecurity owner and President Brian DeNault. “HydraWedge SM50 is the result of a year-long R&D effort and powerfully leverages our potent hydraulic and controls strengths. I could not be more impressed with the HydraWedge ASIS premiere last month. Our deep market research and engineering design is paying off in exceptional interest, leads and early first installations.
Watch HydraWedge Crash Test Video: http://bitly.com/HS-HydraWedge-crashtest
For a complete look at HySecurity Ultra Reliable commercial, industrial, parking and crash automated gate systems, go to www.hysecurity.com.