ONVIF hosted its 13th Developers’ Plugfest November 11-13 at Dahua Technologies in Hangzhou, China. With multiple testings of ONVIF conformant conformant products, the Developers’ Plugfest included interoperability testing for the Release Candidates of Profile Q and Profile A, which are both scheduled for final release in 2016.
This Developers’ Plugfest gave member companies the opportunity to verify their products’ ONVIF interoperability with practical, hands-on testing. Tests included those with other manufacturers’ products and also user scenario testing to simulate real-world use of ONVIF’s profiles. The fall Plugfest drew 57 technical expert attendees from 25 companies from around the world and attendees logged more than 260 hours of total testing time during the three-day event, with all of ONVIF’s profiles tested for interoperability.
“The attendance at this Developers’ Plugfest was one of our largest yet,” said Canon’s Takahiro Iwasaki, Chairman of ONVIF’s Technical Services Committee Taskforce, Developers‘ Plugfest. “This is so gratifying to see, because the more members that are involved with ONVIF in a hands-on, collaborative way, the better and more effective ONVIF is as a whole. Every ONVIF member has the potential to make valuable contributions to ONVIF and its standards and it’s great to see that collaborative spirit in action at events like these.”
ONVIF held its first ever Client Test Tool Clinic at the November gathering, which allowed client manufacturers to meet with the vendor for ONVIF’s Client Test Tool, in person and individually. In addition to the Release Candidates of Profile Q and Profile A, Profile S, for IP-based video systems; Profile C for IP-based access control; and Profile G for edge storage and retrieval were also tested at the Developers’ Plugfest.
Founded in 2008, ONVIF now consists of more than 500 member companies in six continents and more than 5,000 Profile conformant products. With Profile S for streaming video; Profile G for recording and storage; Profile C for physical access control and the Release Candidates Profile A, for access control configuration, and Profile Q, for easy installation and advanced security features, ONVIF continues to work with its members to expand the number of IP interoperability solutions ONVIF conformant products can provide.
Further information about ONVIF’s conformant products, including the vendors and the conformant models, is available on ONVIF’s website: www.onvif.org.
ONVIF is a global and open industry forum that is committed to standardizing communication between IP-based physical security products to ensure their interoperability and to facilitate their integration. ONVIF was established in 2008 to develop a global open standard for IP-based physical security products. Membership is open to manufacturers, software developers, consultants, system integrators, end-users and other interest groups that wish to participate in the activities of ONVIF.