Check Point Software Technologies has achieved a ‘Recommended’ rating in the 2017 NSS Labs, a leader in independent security product testing and research, Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) Group Test. This is the 14th consecutive time since 2011 that the company has been recognized by NSS Labs for the “Recommended” rating.
The NSS ‘Recommended’ rating for NGFW reinforces Check Point’s goal of delivering the most effective and efficient security to customers across all network segments. The Check Point 15600 Next Generation Threat Prevention solution, part of Check Point Infinity, was submitted to this NSS test and it delivered an Exploit Block Rate of 99.56%.
“Check Point’s Infinity is the first security architecture to enable businesses to protect their networks, cloud and mobile with one security infrastructure,” said Gabi Reish, VP Product Management and Marketing at Check Point. “These recent test results highlight the effectiveness and efficiency as well as the need of this architecture. In addition, this high score reassures Check Point’s customers they are in the hands of a leading security company who safeguards all their networks.”
Highlights of Check Point’s results from the NSS Labs 2017 report include:
- 100% protection against recent attacks (2013 – 2016) and against Apple, IBM and Oracle vulnerabilities
- 99.9% protection against Microsoft and 99.2% protection against Adobe vulnerabilities
- $18 TCO per Protected-Mbps
NSS is known for conducting rigorous and comprehensive security tests. This NSS NGFW test was no exception. The test included more than 6,600 exploits, 137 evasion techniques in 10 different categories and multiple performance, capacity, stability and reliability measures—including five different traffic mixes. Check Point’s solutions proved to withstand these challenging tests, again delivering the kind of scores expected from a top security company.
“Participating in credible, independent 3rd party testing is an important investment for us. Independent testing provides important security validation for our customers and the overall market. We are proud of our long-term performance and consistent leadership and excellence in security as validated by our track record in independent testing,” concluded Reish.
For more information or to download a complimentary copy of the NSS Labs report of Check Point’s Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) test results, visit: http://pages.checkpoint.com/nss-ngfw-test-2017.html
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About Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. (www.checkpoint.com) is the largest network cyber security vendor globally, providing industry-leading solutions and protecting customers from cyberattacks with an unmatched catch rate of malware and other types of threats. Check Point offers a complete security architecture defending enterprises – from networks to mobile devices – in addition to the most comprehensive and intuitive security management. Check Point protects over 100,000 organizations of all sizes.