There is no doubt the global COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on our everyday lives. In particular, we’ve seen a rapid shift to digital platforms for many of our daily interactions — from remote work to virtual schooling. Many organisations which previously had scant provisions for working from home have embraced the change with a majority of their workforce entirely online.
According to a recent survey from ADAPT, half of private, public, and hybrid cloud organisations have increased their cloud workloads by more than 50% to enable remote working since the outbreak. Given the need to transition rapidly, many of those organisations are still in the process of updating their security posture and policies to reflect the “new” status quo of operating outside any kind of defined security perimeter.
Similarly, just as the COVID-19 pandemic requires a coordinated and collective response, dealing with rapid escalations in cybercrime also requires an approach that goes beyond the capability of any individual organisation working in isolation.
As part of our own response to both the growing need and complexity of cybersecurity issues, KJR has partnered with the US-based cybersecurity firm IronNet in order to make its expertise in Collective Defence more accessible within Australia.
The concept of Collective Defence is not necessarily new, as intergovernmental military alliance NATO has been using this principle to defend treaty members. However, the application of the strategy is a new approach to cybersecurity, where organisations are actively sharing cyber threat intelligence and collaborating with one-another to improve detection capabilities.
Download Cyber Risk Leaders Magazine – Issue 3, 2020 to read full article.