Editor’s Desk


“In short, the Army is protecting important national security objectives in every region of the world against five significant security challenges: Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and counter-terrorism. ” – General Mark A. Milley Chief of Staff, United States Army, Senate Armed Services Committee, September 15, 2016

Chris-CubbageI’ll admit to writing with a high degree of despondency. As we go to print, the US elections are about to take place. There are many other ‘big’ events occurring internationally, regionally and nationally, as well as within each of our Australian states – it is difficult to find a good news story today and therefore remain positive and upbeat. Be it confirmed reports of an increase in children’s poverty despite 20 years of prosperity (expect a corresponding continuation of inequality, crime, drug abuse and neglect), or the out of control Indigenous suicide rates in the Kimberly (expect yet another generation suffering alcohol and drug abuse, intrafamilial sexual assault and lack of education, jobs and opportunity), or state-wide blackouts in South Australia from mega storms or the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef from global warming (expect another review report that leads to nowhere and the ongoing rise and frequency in natural disasters). It remains far too easy to point to crises in Australia and globally. Despite the concerns around the US Federal elections, it is just as easy to point to Australian Federal and State Government ineptitude to controlling effective and trustworthy institutions – things are going to get a lot worse before they get better…Click HERE to read full article.
