ISC2 Rebrands


Formerly known as (ISC)² has announced that it has changed its name to ISC2 to improve global accessibility and ease translation across all languages.

The company has also unveiled its new website.

Since 2020, ISC2 says it has experienced record growth in its global community through its focus on attracting more people from diverse backgrounds into the profession, supporting their career growth and advocating for their interests worldwide.

In the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, it has also seen unprecedented growth – with its community of ISC2 members nearly doubling from 28,572 to 60,520 since 2022.

A cornerstone of this growth is ISC2’s One Million Certified in Cybersecurity initiative that commits to building a diverse and skilled cybersecurity workforce pipeline and shrinking the global workforce gap of 3.4 million professionals. Since launching 11 months ago, ISC2 has enrolled more than 250,000 individuals in the Certified in Cybersecurity entry-level certification training and more than 310,000 as ISC2 Candidates.

Additionally, out of the 27,000 individuals who’ve completed the certification, 6,361 candidates (23.5%) are from the APAC region, demonstrating the efforts and headway ISC2 has made throughout APAC.

“ISC2 remains the profession’s most distinguished certification provider while charting a transformative path that is dedicated to fostering a dynamic and diverse cybersecurity community,” said Clar Rosso, CEO, ISC2. “As our community has surpassed the remarkable milestone of 500,000 members, current and future members remain at the heart of what we do and know that we are here to walk alongside them through every step of their careers. While we’re forward-looking in our vision, we also recognize, with gratitude, the huge legacy and influence of our founders, past colleagues and members, who have made ISC2 the success that it is today.”

“ISC2’s purpose is to bring more people from diverse backgrounds into cybersecurity, help them achieve professional excellence, and career growth and advocate for their interests around the world. Our brand has to represent that mission for both our current and future membership, embodying the inclusive, global association we are today. Our research shows that more than half our members call us ISC2 already, so the transition is already happening,” said Andrew Woolnough, EVP Communications, Content and Brand, ISC2. “Our guiding principles have been to take the core of ISC2’s market-leading certifications and create a brand identity around them that speaks to inclusion and accessibility. We are reinforcing that through our redesigned website, which promotes more inclusive language and imagery, makes it easier for candidates and members to find what they are looking for, and removes friction at critical points in their journey. We want everyone to see themselves in ISC2.”
