The Seminar will be from 10.00 am to 5.15 pm and the Reception will be held from 5.15 pm to 7.00 pm at the University House, Australian National University Canberra on Thursday 10 November 2016.
We will review the year past and consider the future issues in Security and will include speakers from Academia, Industry and Government. Association members will receive professional certification points for attendance. There will be special sessions on Security Professional developments and ISO Security Standards.
The Seminar program will be emailed out and posted on Association websites when finalised.
RSVP for seminar and/or reception will close at mid-day 4 November.
Acceptances to Wendy Green at Thales Australia by E-mail wendy.green@thalesgroup.com.au.
Limited places available 80 for the seminar and 100 for the reception (note; last year the seminar was booked out a week in advance. Please specifically advise if you wish to attend one or both functions)