Software Supply Chains – application security evolving at pace


The application security industry continues to evolve at pace as organisations recognise that software security risks need to balance with business imperatives that accelerate digital innovation.

In any annual trend list, there should be few surprises. After all, most trends are a continuation of what was important just a month or year ago. Fortify has a holistic AppSec vision that is based on being excellent on foundational elements. This includes broad and accurate language coverage; an integration ecosystem that allows minimum friction into the existing tools our customers use and love; and an end-to-end application security platform that takes into account that not every organization is the same.

We speak with Niel Pandya,CTO and Business Development Lead for the CyberRes line of business under Micro Focus – covering APJ. Niel has over 25 years’ experience in technology and Security – ranging from Data Security to Security Operations, Application Security and Identity. Niel has been working with organisations across the UK and APJ to help address Cyber needs that help build business resiliency. Working across different verticals, Niel has been supporting cyber programs from Smart Cities, Digital Citizen to Digital channels.

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